Wiles Eye Center

Wiles Eye Center Center

Wiles Eye Center provides state-of-the-art eye care in the Kansas City and St. Joseph communities. Our expert surgeons and optometrists are among the most highly-regarded leaders in dropless cataract surgery, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, dry eye,...

Treatments and Procedures We Offer

Are you in need of an Eye Procedure? Here at Wile’s Eye Center, we offer a variety of different procedures and treatments for our patients. We pride ourselves on using the most up-to-date technology to successfully treat our patients. YOU are our...

Protect your Eyes this Fourth of July

Protecting your Eyes this 4th of July: 1. Always wear eye wear to protect your eyes. Did you know that 9/10 eye injuries caused by fireworks could have been prevented by wearing protective eye wear? 2. Keep a safe distance from the firework. More than ...

Cataract Fact #4

Here’s your Cataract Fact of the Day: At Wiles Eye Center, we use the ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis) System to provide the best outcome of cataract surgery possible. This system is an intra-operative guidance technology that helps surgeons ...

Cataract Fact #3

Your Cataract Fact of the Day: People with diabetes are more at risk for developing cataracts. Not only are people suffering from this disease more prone to developing cataracts, but they’re also at risk for developing cataracts at an early ag...

Cataract Fact #2

Your cataract fact of the day: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cataracts are the leading cause of blindness. Cataracts are responsible for 51% of all blindness, causing disability in over 20 million people. It is estimated that catara...

FAQs for Cataract Surgery

The cataract surgeons at Wiles Eye Center believe it is natural for candidates to have questions about the procedure. Check out our list of the most frequently asked questions, and submit your own by sending us an email today. Am I too old for cataract...

What You Didn’t Know About Eye Exams

Here are some things you didn’t know about eye exams: You may be surprised to know what can be determined from something as simple as a person’s eye exam. Sometimes, these exams uncover diseases the patient didn’t even know they had. ...

FAQs Answered

Here are a few of our frequently asked questions: Q: “Since the autoimmune system can cause dry eye syndrome, could a person’s diet directly affect the function of the glands of their eyes?” A: There’s been research on whether t...

How to Reduce Symptoms of Dry Macular Degeneration

How Symptoms of Dry Macular Degeneration are Reduced: 1. Nutritional therapy 2. High amounts of antioxidants 3. Supplements may also be prescribed to support the macula There is no known “cure” for this disease. You should consult with yo...

The Diagnosis Process of Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Most people who develop AMD don’t show symptoms early on. Only a dilated eye exam can detect AMD. Your diagnosis process may include the following: The diagnosis of AMD will start with a routine visual acuity test, which measures how well you ...